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Disciples of Hope 

By Josh Sanchez

Youth Ministry Consultant

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The month of March is filled with hope and anticipation. It’s warming up again, the flowers (and weeds) that are blooming remind me of a season of new life.  Many students are also going on breaks from school and many churches are beginning to think about the days that lead up to Resurrection Sunday (Easter). My desire is that this can be a month where we challenge students to have hope in this season. Let’s help our students see that there is light after the darkness. The world is going crazy right now. It feels like this season has been filled with news that gets worse and worse every year since 2020, but as church leaders, we must remember where our hope is found. Our hope is found in the power of the resurrection of Jesus christ. Let’s disciple our students to know how to be rooted in hope and how to find hope in dark situations. 


Finally, I want to invite you all to our inter-church youth rally on March 19th at Faith Fellowship. We will be challenging students to go on mission as we prepare to do something BIG for God in Orange County in June. I hope to see all of our youth groups there. Many of our students are ready to return so let’s get together and inspire the next generation with God’s glory.

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